Eating More To Lose
Many people still believe that eating less is the answer to losing weight. Truth is that eating only one or two meals a day causes the body to store fat.
Instead, you may want to try smaller meals throughout the day.About 30-35% of your daily calories in the morning. Splitting breakfast into two meals will help you feel full during the day and allows time to burn off the calories.
1st Breakfast
Start your day off with dairy, eggs and whole grain fiber. If you prefer to eat light, you can try a small serving of milk, cheese and whole wheat toast. A heavier meal could be walnut-flaxseed oatmeal and yogurt with blueberries.
Your goal is to load up with calories from healthy food sources.The protein can increase muscle protein production, help promote muscle growth and fat loss after exercising.
2nd Breakfast
The second breakfast should be consumed during mid-morning. You can eat a smaller portion of your first breakfast or a light snack.
Vegetables, beans, soups, salads, fruit, nuts and a small portion of either fish or chicken.
Leafy greens,beans and other vegetables,lean meats, fish. Small portion of meat and three vegetables or start with a salad or bowl of soup, followed by meat with two vegetables.
Yogurt, berries, walnuts, red bell pepper with cottage cheese, whole grain cereal with milk, fruit and cheese. Can be eaten between lunch and dinner. Or between dinner and bedtime. Should not be within two hours before bedtime.
The best thing about this diet plan is your body is never starved, keeps your metabolic rate high. This will help you burn of the fat, while providing the nutrients your body needs.